Sunday, 27 April 2008

Use Keywords in your Domain Name

Using keywords in your Domain Name doesn’t directly help improve your search engine rankings on that search term. Search engines actually concentrate more on what is in the body and content of your pages, not the Domain Name.

However, choosing a domain name is important as it can dictate how people link back to your site. When Google ranks sites, one of the things it looks at is how many inbound links are pointing back to your page. You will get a better rank if the links are high quality and related to what your site is about. When Google and other search engine rank a site, they look into many factors. One of the most important is the number of (quality) inbound links.

You achieve a better rank if the links are high quality and related to the content of your site. So when someone decides to link to your site, the easiest thing is to copy the URL of your web site and use that as the "Anchor Text "for the link. If the name means nothing, you may not get any clicks - or PageRank help - from the link. So let us say you had setup a really good "web design self help group" site and your chosen domain was If you were surfing the web and ran across that link, would you be more likely to click on it? What does it mean? Needless to say, this could be a very poor choice of domain name.

Not using a keyword in the domain name could make life much harder. When you ask for a link back, you have to specifically ask site owners to put in the descriptive anchor text like "self help web design group"; some will, but most simply won't bother. So choosing the right Domain Name can still help in the long run. If you can get a domain which has a good keyword phrase as part of the name, it will be more plain sailing to get more inbound links that are considered by Google to be related.

However I suggest avoiding too overlong or "spammy" sounding domain like "" Its still important to keep the domain short and snappy (to avoid typo mistakes). Also keep it memorable.

Click Here to your Domain Names

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