Sunday, 27 April 2008

Cheaper Alternative to 123-Reg Hosting

Some people are concerned when transferring domain names, or changing hosts. In reality the process can be very simple. For instance lets say you have registered your domain with 123-Reg but want to host with Weycrest. All you need to do is carry out a "partial transfer" from 123-REG to WEYCREST. With this method administrative control (billing etc) for your domain name will remain with 123-REG but only the nameservers are updated. Your domain management remains with 123-Reg, you but your domain name will point to your hosting plan with Weycrest. Please note any nameserver changes are not immediate, due to the distributed way that DNS operates (all the ISP nameserver cache's in the world have to update) so you still need to allow 12-24 hours for propagation to take place. Click here for a 123-Reg Hosting Comparison

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