Sunday 27 April 2008

Host Multiple Domains to Maximize your Search Engine Rankings

Its well known that shorter domains are better for "humans" (hence the demand for very short two and three letter domain names) however search engines tend to favour longer domain names.

What do you do? Advertise your shorter domains but submit your longer domain name websites to the search engines. Many hosting services will allow you to host multiple domains to point to the same Web site. Multiple Domain or Multi Website Hosting is more commonly known as Reseller Hosting, but this just means you have the ability to create your own hosting accounts and packages.

However if your are going to have portfolio's of multiple domains why not take full advantage of the other factors favoured by Google and other search engines? You have probably noticed that search engines tend to favour the index or home page of any website over the inside or sub pages.

So why not have ten (longer) domains optimized for your chosen keywords, all pointing at their own hosted homepages optimized for those keywords? Suddenly you have increased by ten times the chance to rank well for all your keywords.

You might think the cost of hosting 10 unique websites would be prohibitive? Well not any more. Weycrest Web Hosting offer a reseller hosting package allowing you host up to ten unique websites for less than £100 a year. There is also a choice of cPanel/WHM and Plesk Control Panels.

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